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Child welfare placements

Child welfare placements refer to arrangements where a child’s care and upbringing are organised outside of their home. A child can be placed in family care, professional family care, a children’s institution, or in another type of appropriate care facility. Placement can be short-term (urgent placement) or of indefinite duration (taking into care).

The purpose of placement is to secure the child's balanced development and well-being while responding to each child's unique needs. When placing a child, the aim is to work closely together with the child's parents/guardians whenever possible. Placement is implemented based on a client plan. All children undergoing child welfare placement have an allocated social worker who is responsible for their matters and for ensuring that the placement location meets the child's needs and is in their best interest. The ultimate goal of placement is always to serve the child's best interest and family reunification.

Information about the service

Contact the allocated social worker responsible for the child’s matters with any questions about placements.

Service locations