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A wildfire warning is in force in South Savo. It is not allowed to make an open fire. Danger of wildfires is pronounced due to soil dryness.

Customer guidance for families with children Perheneuvo 

Customer guidance for families with children offers guidance and advice on services aimed at families with children.

You can contact customer…

Online family centre

The purpose of the online family centre is to gather together all the services intended for families with children.

Social services for families with children 

The purpose of social welfare services for families with children is to support families with children in challenges related to everyday life, …

Disability services coordination 

We offer advice and guidance on matters concerning services and support measures for disabled people. Different support measures can make it easier…

Supplementary and preventive income support

The purpose of income support is to secure people's livelihood, promote independent initiative and provide support in special and exceptional …

Mediation account service

The purpose of the mediation account service is to help clients with their financial matters in accordance with a mediation account …

Temporary housing services

The purpose of this service is to secure housing in unexpected and occasional situations.

Temporary housing services offer support in …

Social work for working-age people

Social work cooperates with individuals, families and communities with the aim of alleviating challenges created by different life situations, …

We can support you in different life situations

Read about our most common services by target group South Savo Wellbeing Services Area Eloisa produces, develops and organises social and health services for 133,000 thousand South Savo residents in 12 municipalities.